Benefits Of Henna For Natural Hair: My Experiences

Benefits Of Henna For Natural Hair: My Experiences

Henna Hair Treatment

Hello and welcome to JADa Therapy

My name is Jennifer and today I am going to share my experiences with using henna, what I have learned and how my hair as benefited from using it.

I will let you know some of my thoughts on using henna on my hair and why I love using it.

What is Henna?

Henna is natural plant product.

How Long Have I Been Using Henna?

I have been using henna for five years now and at this stage I think that I would continue to use it.

Why I Started Using Henna?

I started using henna a little after I decided to stop relaxing my hair and become natural, and after watching a lot of YouTube videos on how to use it.  I came across Curly Proverbz and learned all wonderful benefits that I could gain from using it.

I use henna to strengthen my hair and maintain the health of my hair.  Since using it I have noticed that my hair is stronger and getting longer with less breakage and it is a lot easier to detangle.

You can take a look at this video and see the wonderful benefits for yourself.

Benefits of using Henna by Curly Proverbz

How to use Henna

Using henna is quite straight-forward and there are many recipes that you can use.

I would say that in my experience it is better to keep it simple until you get used to using it.

Always do a strand test

Doing a henna gloss is gentler on the hair and will be a good way to introduce your hair to henna, if it’s your first time using it.

What Is Henna Gloss?

Henna gloss will give you a subtle colour change to your hair.  I love it because you can get a good slip with the conditioner.

It is a really good deep treatment and a lot easier to rinse out than straight henna and this is why I would recommend to start your henna treatments with henna gloss.

Henna Gloss Recipe

Measurements will really depend on the length of your hair but as a guild, plus to be honest I just make it the consistency of cake batter.

  1. 100g henna
  2. Four tea bags (tea bag of your choice)
  3. Hot water
  4. Heat proof jug
  5. Conditioner of your choice (use a conditioner with good slip)

First make a cup of tea with the four tea bags with hot water and let it sit whilst you prep the next stage.

Add your 100g henna to a good size bowl,

Add the tea slowly whilst mixing it into the henna and when you get a thick batter consistency and it is mixed well, you can cover the bowl with cling film and leave for 4 to 8 hours.

I personally leave it overnight because I always prep the night before use.

When your desired time as lapsed you can then add the conditioner to the henna and mix in well until it becomes a creamy texture.

At this stage it is ready to use but if you are not ready to use it at this stage do not worry.  You can let this mixture sit until you are ready to use it, say a few hours.

Once you have put the henna into your hair you can leave it in for 45 minutes or as long as you can stand it.

Cover your hair with a shower cap or cling film.  I have been knows to use both. lol

The really good this with using henna is that you do not have to worry about over processing because it is a natural product.

I hope that you have found this helpful.  You can always check out the video below which will show you how to make and apply your henna gloss.

How I make my henna , shikakai and amla hair gloss – Ayruvedic – By Curly Proverbz

How Often Can You use Henna?

Because henna is a natural hair treatment you can use it as often as you like.  But listen to your hair.

I tend to use henna in sessions, by this I mean.

I will use henna once a week for a month and then give my hair a break for about three months and then use it once a week for month and repeat.

In saying that I also listen to my hair and if my hair needs a little strengthening then I will do a couple of treatments in-between.  I will also shorten a treatment session if my hair is telling me it doesn’t need any more strengthen at that time.

I remember saying this to a friend of mine and she thought I was a little nuts and then she started using henna and understood what I meant.

Using Henna Can Get Messy

Using henna can get messy, really messy. I would recommend that you do not do a henna treatment if you are in a rush or have limited time.

You will also need:

  1. Gloves
  2. Shower cap
  3. Cling film
  4. Something to cover your work area like newspaper on the floor
  5. Patience and take you time when applying

Washing it out

When you are washing it out take you time. Because it will stain anything it comes in contact with.

You can get your henna here.

Henna for Grey Hair

Henna is really good for colouring grey hair.

For covering grey hair you will need to leave the henna treatment in for a longer period of time say four to 8 hours.

This will also depend on the type of henna you purchase and your hair type.

I have purchased from different places and some take a few treatments for the colour to set and others 45 minutes and I am good to go.

I will not be recommending a particular brand of henna because we are all different and what I may like you may not.

I would say to make sure that your henna is pure henna and not mixed with anything.  Then you will be get better results.

I much prefer using henna to colour my hair now to shop bought hair dyes and it is a lot safer to use.

Henna Will Not Give You An Even Colour Coverage

Henna will not even out the colour on your hair.  I personally love that.  It gives me a kind of highlight and when the sunshine’s on my hair the colour is very rich looking.

Can You Dye Your Hair With Shop Bought Hair Dye After using Henna

Personally I would not recommend dying your hair with shop bought permanent hair dye after using a henna treatment.

In my research I have found out that this is not recommended.

What Is The Best Henna To Use?

The best henna to use is pure henna / organic henna, this is because there is a lot of henna out there that are mixed with things that are not good for use.  So to be on the safe side and to have a better henna experience stick with pure/organic henna.

Personally I do not have a favourite as long as it is pure / organic then I am good to go and I have not been disappointed.

You can get your henna here.

I hope that you have found this article helpful.

If you have used henna treatments for your hair let me know your experience in the comment section below.

If you have any questions please leave those in the comment section below.

I would also really appreciate your liking and sharing this article.

Thank you for reading


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