11 Amazing Health Benefits of Baobab Fruit

Hello and welcome to JADa Therapy

I am going to show you how amazing Baobab Fruit is for your health and the benefits you will gain from using this super food.

I have been taking this amazing fruit for a few years now and find it to be one of my game changers in my health.

So I thought that I just had to share it with you so that you can also start to benefit from it.

What is Baobab?

The Baobab fruit comes from Africa’s Tree of Life and is known as Africa’s super fruit.

The Baobab fruit is known because it has the ability to dry out on the branch. Some would say that it has a likeness to coconut and has a hard brown outer shell.

When the outer shell of the fruit is opened there is no moisture inside. The inside of the baobab fruit consists of a dry white powder like substance.

It is the dry white powder like substance that is extracted.


Baobab Nutritional Value

  • Extremely rich in fibre
  • High levels of Vitamin C
  • High levels of Potassium
  • 6 to 7 times more anti-oxidants than other fruit
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iron

You can Buy Your Baobab Fruit HERE.

11 Amazing Health Benefits of Baobab Fruit

This is a list of the 11 Amazing Health Benefits of Baobab Fruit that I will be sharing in this article.

  1. Heart Health
  2. Aids in Digestion
  3. Boosts Brain Health
  4. Prevents Arthritis
  5. Prevents Cancer
  6. Prevents Dental Problems
  7. Prevents Diabetes
  8. Helps During Pregnancy
  9. Gives You Glowing Skin
  10. Boosts Immune System
  11. Helps with Weight Loss

1. Heart Health

Baobab has a high level of potassium which plays an important part in maintaining normal blood pressure, which is essential in maintaining a healthy heart.

It also helps in reducing bad cholesterol that will help in reducing the risk of developing serious heart conditions and this is due to the high fibre content found in baobab.

2. Aids in Digestion

Baobab is high in fibre and contains two types of fibre, which are soluble and insoluble and this makes it brilliant in solving digestive problems.

Taking this fruit in your daily diet will treat many digestive problems and will also balance the gut bacteria.

3. Boosts Brain Health

Stress is a common problem that is unfortunately faced by almost every individual. Stress levels need to be managed to prevent developing neurological problems.

Now Baobab contains important vitamins and minerals that are important for maintaining a healthy neurological performance.

Vitamins such as vitamin B that will help your brain to relax and minerals that will help your muscles relax and maintain the performance of the nervous system.

This will help in regulate sleep and reduce stress levels.

Baobab contains anti-oxidants which will help in treating problems such as, Dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

4. Prevents Arthritis

Baobab Fruit is very effective in the treatment of inflammation in the body and arthritis is caused by inflammation in the joints.

By including baobab fruit into your daily diet you will be able to prevent and or treat arthritis.

5. Prevents Cancer

Baobab is also an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory that not only help with heart problems. It helps with many serious illnesses, which are caused by excessive inflammation in the body.

Excessive inflammation can lead to illnesses such as cancer. To reduce the risk of these illnesses, you can use baobab fruit regularly and this will maintain the inflammation in the body.

6. Prevents Dental Problems

Baobab contains a high level of calcium that will greatly benefit the health of teeth and bones. One thing that I found really interesting is the fact that it contains more calcium than milk. So by adding baobab to your diet will give an added bonus of having healthier teeth and avoiding dental decays.

Along with avoiding the chances of developing osteoporosis. Now I think that this can be another game changer.

7. Prevents Diabetes

Baobab fruit is great for preventing and treating diabetes due to the fact that it contains sugars that help to maintain a stable blood sugar levels in the body.

It is also high in soluble fibre which will prevent the intestines from absorbing too much sugar.

8. Helps During Pregnancy

During pregnancy it is important to take folic acid and iron in the body. Adding baobab to your diet during pregnancy will help you and baby in many ways.

Baobab will help to strengthen your body whilst pregnant and help your fight off any infections that you may come across.

Also, Because of the high levels of vitamin C it will help your body to absorb iron for effectively. Vitamin C is really important when it comes to the absorption of iron.

9. Gives You Glowing Skin

As mentioned a few times throughout this article is the fact that Baobab contains high levels of Vitamin C, anti-oxidants and is anti-inflammatory so it goes without saying that when this is added to a daily healthy diet the results will start to show in your skin and will give you a glow that will be very hard to match.

It will help with wrinkles and even out your skin tone. It will also keep your skin hydrated and radiant.

10. Boosts Immune System

The high content of Vitamin C found in this amazing fruit will help in preventing infections and serious health problems.

Also, the unique blend of essential mineral and vitamins in baobab will strengthen the immune system and will do this very effectively.

11. Helps with Weight Loss

Baobab fruit will help in reducing the absorption of sugar in the body. This means that your body will be able to get rid of body fat more effectively, which will prevent obesity.

The high content of fibre will help in feeling fuller for longer, so will reduce the urge to snack between meals.

Because of the Anti-inflammatory properties it will also clear up any inflammation your body may be holding onto. This will reduce the abdominal fat and generally reduce inflammation in your body.

This is an important role in the weight loss journey.

You can Buy Your Baobab Fruit HERE.


Now you know the 11 Amazing Health Benefits of Baobab Fruit and how truly amazing it is.

As I mentioned earlier I have been using this amazing fruit for a good few years now and in fact my whole family use as part of our healthy lifestyle routine. This includes my Mother, Father and Brother, so you can see the age range of sorts.

Just to mention again the 11 Amazing Health Benefits of Baobab Fruit, here they are:

  1. Heart Health
  2. Aids in Digestion
  3. Boosts Brain Health
  4. Prevents Arthritis
  5. Prevents Cancer
  6. Prevents Dental Problems
  7. Prevents Diabetes
  8. Helps During Pregnancy
  9. Gives You Glowing Skin
  10. Boosts Immune System
  11. Helps with Weight Loss

Thank you for visiting JADa Therapy

If you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments section below.

Also, if you have used Baobab Fruit I would love to know your thoughts in my comments section below.

Thank you


PS: I would really appreciate your liking and sharing this article.

You can Buy Your Baobab Fruit HERE.

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